By the Grace of the Almighty, we are proud to announce that we have formed a partnership with Nakhlistan, whereby we implore everyone to donate by giving Sadaqah or Zakat in order for them to reach their goal of cooking 179 x 130lt Pots of Aknie to feed over 90 000 of the needy this coming Eid, Insha Allah.
We have 3 options available for you to donate online:
You may donate 1kg of meat, or more, at R90/kg, or…
28 kg of meat for a full pot of food at R2520, or…
A 130lt pot of Aknie at R3500.
The partnership will be deactivated on the 26th day of Ramadaan. We will then forward all funds that we have raised to Nakhlistan.
May The Almighty accept all donations, reward you for it and may they exceed their target of pots to cook Insha Allah, Ameen.
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